
Apocalypse for the Hindu is the natural ending of the world in the fourth age, the Kali Age.

This referes to one of a series of apocalypses, each of which marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another creation. The central figure in the story is Vishnu, the preserver God, into whose self the world is absorbed before being born again.

Vishnu has already saved humanity on a number of occasions, symbolically appearing as a savior in many different forms. It is said that He will appear again soon, as Kalki, a white horse, destined to destroy the present world and to take humanity to a different, higher plane.

All kings occupying the earth in the Kali Age will be wanting in tranquillity, strong in anger, taking pleasure at all times in lying and dishonesty, inflicting death on women, children, and cows, prone to take the paltry possessions of others, with character that is mostly vial, rising to power and soon falling.

They will be short-lived, ambitious, of little virtue, and greedy. People will follow the customs of others and be adulterated with them; peculiar, undisciplined barbarians will be vigorously supported by rulers. Because they go on living with perversion, they will be ruined.

Dharma becomes very weak in the Kali Age. People commit sin in mind, speech, and actions.

Quarrels, plague, fatal diseases, famines, drought, and calamities appear. Testimonies and proofs have no certainty. There is no criterion left when the Kali Age settles down.

People become poorer in vigor and luster.

They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false, and avaricious.

Bad ambitions, bad education, bad dealings, and bad earnings excite fear.

The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful.

Many sudras will become kings, and many heretics will be seen.

There will arise various sects; sannyasins wearing clothes colored red.

Many profess to have supreme knowledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood.

In the Kali Age, there will be many false religionists.

India will become desolate by repeated calamities, short lives, and various diseases.

Everyone will be miserable owing to the dominance of vice and Tamoguna.

People will freely commit abortion.

Earth will be valued only for her mineral treasures.

Money alone will confer nobility.

Power will be the sole definition of virtue.

Pleasure will be the only reason for marriage.

Lust will be the only reason for womanhood.

Falsehood will win out in disputes.

Being dry of water will be the only definition of land.

Praise worthiness will be measured by accumulated wealth. I

Propriety will be considered good conduct, and only feebleness will be the reason for unemployment.

Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship.

Only those without wealth will show honesty.

Just a bath will amount to purification, and charity will be the only virtue.

Abduction will be marriage.

Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety.

Any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site.

The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on Earth.

Oppressed by their excessively greedy rulers, people will hide in valleys between mountains, where they will gather honey, vegetables, roots, fruits, birds, flowers and so forth.

Suffering from cold, wind, heat and rain, they will put on clothes made of tree bark and leaves.

And no one will live as long as twenty-three years.

Thus in the Kali Age humankind will be utterly destroyed.


Besuk yen wis ana kreta tanpa jaran.
Kelak jika sudah ada kereta tanpa kuda.
One day there will be a cart without a horse.

Tanah Jawa kalungan wesi.
Tanah Jawa berkalung besi.
The island of Java will wear a necklace of iron.

Prahu mlaku ing dhuwur awang-awang.
Perahu berlayar di ruang angkasa.
There will be a boat flying in the sky.

Kali ilang kedhunge.
Sungai kehilangan lubuk.
The river will loose its current.

Pasar ilang kumandhang.
Pasar kehilangan suara.
There will be markets without crowds.

Iku tandha yen tekane jaman Jayabaya wis cedhak.
Itulah pertanda jaman Jayabaya telah mendekat.
These are the signs that the Jayabaya era is coming.

Bumi saya suwe saya mengkeret.
Bumi semakin lama semakin mengerut.
The earth will shrink.

Sekilan bumi dipajeki.
Sejengkal tanah dikenai pajak.
Every inch of land will be taxed.

Jaran doyan mangan sambel.
Kuda suka makan sambal.
Horses will devour chili sauce.

Wong wadon nganggo pakeyan lanang.
Orang perempuan berpakaian lelaki.
Women will dress in men’s clothes.

Iku tandhane yen wong bakal nemoni wolak-waliking jaman.
Itu pertanda orang akan mengalami jaman berbolak-balik.
These are signs that the people is facing the era of turning upside down.

Akeh janji ora ditetepi.
Banyak janji tidak ditepati.
Many promises unkept.

Akeh wong wani nglanggar sumpahe dhewe.
Banyak orang berani melanggar sumpah sendiri.
Many break their oath.

Manungsa padha seneng nyalah.
Orang-orang saling lempar kesalahan.
People will tend to blame on each other.

Ora ngendahake hukum Allah.
Tak peduli akan hukum Allah.
They will ignore God’s law.

Barang jahat diangkat-angkat.
Yang jahat dijunjung-junjung.
Evil things will be lifted up.

Barang suci dibenci.
Yang suci (justru) dibenci.
Holy things will be despised.

Akeh manungsa mung ngutamakke dhuwit.
Banyak orang hanya mementingkan uang.
Many people will become fixated on money.

Lali kamanungsan.
Lupa jati kemanusiaan.
Ignoring humanity.

Lali kabecikan.
Lupa hikmah kebaikan.
Forgetting kindness.

Lali sanak lali kadang.
Lupa sanak lupa saudara.
Abandoning their families.

Akeh bapa lali anak.
Banyak ayah lupa anak.
Fathers will abandon their children.

Akeh anak wani nglawan ibu.
Banyak anak berani melawan ibu.
Children will be disrespectful to their mothers.

Nantang bapa.
Menantang ayah.
And battle against their fathers.

Sedulur padha cidra.
Saudara dan saudara saling khianat.
Siblings will collide violently.

Kulawarga padha curiga.
Keluarga saling curiga.
Family members will be suspicious of each other.

Kanca dadi mungsuh.
Kawan menjadi lawan.
Friends become enemies.

Akeh manungsa lali asale.
Banyak orang lupa asal-usul.
People will forget their roots.

Ukuman Ratu ora adil.
Hukuman Raja tidak adil
The ruler’s judgements will be unjust.

Akeh pangkat sing jahat lan ganjil.
Banyak pembesar jahat dan ganjil
There will be many peculiar and evil leaders.

Akeh kelakuan sing ganjil.
Banyak ulah-tabiat ganjil
Many will behave strangely.

Wong apik-apik padha kapencil.
Orang yang baik justru tersisih.
Good people will be isolated.

Akeh wong nyambut gawe apik-apik padha krasa isin.
Banyak orang kerja halal justru malu.
Many people will be too embarrassed to do the right things.

Luwih utama ngapusi.
Lebih mengutamakan menipu.
Choosing falsehood instead.

Wegah nyambut gawe.
Malas menunaikan kerja.
Many will be lazy to work.

Kepingin urip mewah.
Inginnya hidup mewah.
Seduced by luxury.

Ngumbar nafsu angkara murka, nggedhekake duraka.
Melepas nafsu angkara murka, memupuk durhaka.
They will take the easy path of crime and deceit.

Wong bener thenger-thenger.
Si benar termangu-mangu.
The honest will be confused.

Wong salah bungah.
Si salah gembira ria.
The dishonest will be joyful.

Wong apik ditampik-tampik.
Si baik ditolak ditampik.
The good will be rejected.

Wong jahat munggah pangkat.
Si jahat naik pangkat.
The evil ones will rise to the top.

Wong agung kasinggung.
Yang mulia dilecehkan
Noble people will be abused.

Wong ala kapuja.
Yang jahat dipuji-puji.
Evil doers will be worshipped.

Wong wadon ilang kawirangane.
Perempuan hilang malu.
Women will become shameless.

Wong lanang ilang kaprawirane.
Laki-laki hilang perwira
Men will loose their courage.

Akeh wong lanang ora duwe bojo.
Banyak laki-laki tak mau beristri.
Men will choose not to get married.

Akeh wong wadon ora setya marang bojone.
Banyak perempuan ingkar pada suami.
Women will be unfaithful to their husbands.

Akeh ibu padha ngedol anake.
Banyak ibu menjual anak.
Mothers will sell their babies.

Akeh wong wadon ngedol awake.
Banyak perempuan menjual diri.
Women will engage in prostitution.

Akeh wong ijol bebojo.
Banyak orang tukar pasangan.
Couples will trade partners.

Wong wadon nunggang jaran.
Perempuan menunggang kuda.
Women will ride horses.

Wong lanang linggih plangki.
Laki-laki naik tandu.
Men will be carried in a stretcher.

Randha seuang loro.
Dua janda harga seuang (Red.: seuang = 8,5 sen).
Two divorcees will be valued at 8,5 cents.

Prawan seaga lima.
Lima perawan lima picis.
A virgin will be valued at 10 cents.

Dhudha pincang laku sembilan uang.
Duda pincang laku sembilan uang.
A crippled widower will be valued at nine uang’s

Akeh wong ngedol ngelmu.
Banyak orang berdagang ilmu.
Many will earn their living by trading their knowledge.

Akeh wong ngaku-aku.
Banyak orang mengaku diri.
Many will claims other’s merits as their own.

Njabane putih njerone dhadhu.
Di luar putih di dalam jingga.
White outwardly but orange inwardly

Ngakune suci, nanging sucine palsu.
Mengaku suci, tapi palsu belaka.
They will proclaim their righteousness despite their sinful ways.

Akeh bujuk akeh lojo.
Banyak tipu banyak muslihat.
Many will use sly and dirty tricks.

Akeh udan salah mangsa.
Banyak hujan salah musim.
Rains will fall in the wrong season.

Akeh prawan tuwa.
Banyak perawan tua.
Many women will remain virgins into their old age.

Akeh randha nglairake anak.
Banyak janda melahirkan bayi.
Many divorcees will give birth.

Akeh jabang bayi lahir nggoleki bapakne.
Banyak anak lahir mencari bapanya.
Newborns will search for their fathers.

Agama akeh sing nantang.
Agama banyak ditentang.
Religions will be attacked.

Prikamanungsan saya ilang.
Perikemanusiaan semakin hilang.
Humanitarianism will no longer have importance.

Omah suci dibenci.
Rumah suci dijauhi.
Holy temples will be hated.

Omah ala saya dipuja.
Rumah maksiat makin dipuja.
They will be more fond of praising evil places.

Wong wadon lacur ing ngendi-endi.
Di mana-mana perempuan lacur
Prostitution will be everywhere.

Akeh laknat.
Banyak kutuk
There will be many worthy of damnation.

Akeh pengkianat.
Banyak pengkhianat.
There will be many betrayals.

Anak mangan bapak.
Anak makan bapak.
Children will be against father.

Sedulur mangan sedulur.
Saudara makan saudara.
Siblings will be against siblings.

Kanca dadi mungsuh.
Kawan menjadi lawan.
Friends will become enemies.

Guru disatru.
Guru dimusuhi.
Guru is treated as an enemy.

Tangga padha curiga.
Tetangga saling curiga.
Neighbours will become suspicious of each other.

Kana-kene saya angkara murka.
Angkara murka semakin menjadi-jadi.
And ruthlessness will be everywhere.

Sing weruh kebubuhan.
Barangsiapa tahu terkena beban.
The eyewitness has to take the responsibility.

Sing ora weruh ketutuh.
Sedang yang tak tahu disalahkan.
The ones who know nothing will be prosecuted.

Besuk yen ana peperangan.
Kelak jika terjadi perang.
One day when there will armagedon.

Teka saka wetan, kulon, kidul lan lor.
Datang dari timur, barat, selatan, dan utara.
In the east, in the west, in the south, and in the north.

Akeh wong becik saya sengsara.
Banyak orang baik makin sengsara.
Good people will suffer more.

Wong jahat saya seneng.
Sedang yang jahat makin bahagia.
Bad people will be happier.

Wektu iku akeh dhandhang diunekake kuntul.
Ketika itu burung gagak dibilang bangau.
When this happens, crow will be said heron.

Wong salah dianggep bener.
Orang salah dipandang benar.
The wrong person will be assumed to be honest.

Pengkhianat nikmat.
Pengkhianat nikmat.
Betrayers will live in the utmost of material comfort.

Durjana saya sempurna.
Durjana semakin sempurna.
The deceitful will decline even further.

Wong jahat munggah pangkat.
Orang jahat naik pangkat.
The evil persons will rise to the top.

Wong lugu kebelenggu.
Orang yang lugu dibelenggu.
The modest will be trapped.

Wong mulya dikunjara.
Orang yang mulia dipenjara.
The noble will be imprisoned.

Sing curang garang.
Yang curang berkuasa.
The fraudulent will be ferocious.

Sing jujur kojur.
Yang jujur sengsara.
The honest will unlucky.

Pedagang akeh sing keplarang.
Pedagang banyak yang tenggelam.
Many merchants will fly in a mess.

Wong main akeh sing ndadi.
Penjudi banyak merajalela.
Gamblers will become more addicted to gambling.

Akeh barang haram.
Banyak barang haram.
Illegal things will be everywhere.

Akeh anak haram.
Banyak anak haram.
Many babies will be born outside of legal marriage.

Wong wadon nglamar wong lanang.
Perempuan melamar laki-laki.
Women will propose marriage.

Wong lanang ngasorake drajate dhewe.
Laki-laki memperhina derajat sendiri.
Men will lower their own status.

Akeh barang-barang mlebu luang.
Banyak barang terbuang-buang.
The merchandise will be left unsold.

Akeh wong kaliren lan wuda.
Banyak orang lapar dan telanjang.
Many people will suffer from starve and stark-naked.

Wong tuku ngglenik sing dodol.
Pembeli membujuk penjual.
Buyers will flatter the sellers.

Sing dodol akal okol.
Si penjual bermain siasat.
Sellers will play tricks and muscles.

Wong golek pangan kaya gabah diinteri.
Mencari rizki ibarat gabah ditampi.
The way people earn a living will be as paddies being sifted.

Sing kebat kliwat.
Siapa tangkas lepas.
Some will go wild out of control.

Sing telah sambat.
Siapa terlanjur menggerutu.
Those who are too far groaning.

Sing gedhe kesasar.
Si besar tersasar.
The ones on the top will get lost.

Sing cilik kepleset.
Si kecil terpeleset.
The ordinary people will slip.

Sing anggak ketunggak.
Si congkak terbentur.
The arrogant ones will be collided.

Sing wedi mati.
Si takut mati.
The fearful ones will not survive.

Sing nekat mbrekat.
Si nekat mendapat berkat.
The risk takers will be successful.

Sing jerih ketindhih.
Si hati kecil tertindih
The ones who are afraid will be crushed.

Sing ngawur makmur.
Yang ngawur makmur
The careless ones will be wealthy.

Sing ngati-ati ngrintih.
Yang berhati-hati merintih.
The careful ones will whine about their suffering.

Sing ngedan keduman.
Yang main gila menerima bagian.
The crazy ones will get their portion.

Sing waras nggagas.
Yang sehat pikiran berpikir.
The ones who are healthy will think wisely.

Wong tani ditaleni.
Si tani diikat.
The farmers will be controlled.

Wong dora ura-ura.
Si bohong menyanyi-nyanyi
Those who are corrupt will sing happily.

Ratu ora netepi janji, musna panguwasane.
Raja ingkar janji, hilang wibawanya.
The rulers do not keep their promises, will lose their power.

Bupati dadi rakyat.
Pegawai tinggi menjadi rakyat.
The leaders will become ordinary persons.

Wong cilik dadi priyayi.
Rakyat kecil jadi priyayi.
The ordinary people will become leaders.

Sing mendele dadi gedhe.
Yang curang jadi besar.
The dishonest persons will rise to the top.

Sing jujur kojur.
Yang jujur celaka.
The honest ones will be unlucky.

Akeh omah ing ndhuwur jaran.
Banyak rumah di punggung kuda.
There will be many houses on horses’ back.

Wong mangan wong.
Orang makan sesamanya.
People will attack other people.

Anak lali bapak.
Anak lupa bapa.
Children will ignore their fathers.

Wong tuwa lali tuwane.
Orang tua lupa ketuaan mereka.
The olds forget their oldness.

Pedagang adol barang saya laris.
Jualan pedagang semakin laris.
Merchants will sell out of their merchandise.

Bandhane saya ludhes.
Namun harta mereka makin habis.
Yet, they will lose money.

Akeh wong mati kaliren ing sisihe pangan.
Banyak orang mati lapar di samping makanan.
Many people will die from starvation in prosperous times.

Akeh wong nyekel bandha nanging uripe sangsara.
Banyak orang berharta tapi hidup sengsara.
Many people will have lots of money yet, be unhappy in their live.

Sing edan bisa dandan.
Yang gila bisa bersolek.
The crazy one will be beautifully attired.

Sing bengkong bisa nggalang gedhong.
Si bengkok membangun mahligai.
The insane will be able to build a lavish estate.

Wong waras lan adil uripe nggrantes lan kepencil.
Yang waras dan adil hidup merana dan tersisih.
The ones who are fair and sane will suffer in their lives and will be isolated.

Ana peperangan ing njero.
Terjadi perang di dalam.
There will be internal wars.

Timbul amarga para pangkat akeh sing padha salah paham.
Terjadi karena para pembesar banyak salah faham.
As a result of misunderstandings between those at the top.

Durjana saya ngambra-ambra.
Kejahatan makin merajalela.
The numbers of evil doers will increase sharply.

Penjahat saya tambah.
Penjahat makin banyak.
There will be more criminals.

Wong apik saya sengsara.
Yang baik makin sengsara.
The good people will live in misery.

Akeh wong mati jalaran saka peperangan.
Banyak orang mati karena perang.
There will be many people die in a war.

Kebingungan lan kobongan.
Karena bingung dan kebakaran.
Others will be disoriented, and their property burnt.

Wong bener saya thenger-thenger.
Si benar makin tertegun.
The honest will be confused.

Wong salah saya bungah-bungah.
Si salah makin sorak sorai.
The dishonest will be joyful.

Akeh bandha musna ora karuan lungane.
Akeh pangkat lan drajat pada minggat ora karuan sababe
Banyak harta hilang entah ke mana.
Banyak pangkat dan derajat lenyap entah mengapa.
There will be disappearance of great riches, titles, and jobs.

Akeh barang-barang haram, akeh bocah haram.
Banyak barang haram, banyak anak haram.
There will be many illegal goods.

Bejane sing lali, bejane sing eling.
Beruntunglah si lupa, beruntunglah si sadar.
Good luck for the ignoramus, good luck for anyone who is aware.

Nanging sauntung-untunge sing lali.
Tapi betapapun beruntung si lupa.
Yet, no matter how lucky is the ignoramus.

Isih untung sing waspada.
Masih lebih beruntung si waspada.
It is more lucky for anyone who is alert.

Angkara murka saya ndadi.
Angkara murka semakin menjadi.
Ruthlessness will become worse.

Kana-kene saya bingung.
Di sana-sini makin bingung.
Everywhere the situation will be chaotic.

Pedagang akeh alangane.
Pedagang banyak rintangan.
Doing business will be more difficult.

Akeh buruh nantang juragan.
Banyak buruh melawan majikan.
Workers will challenge their employers.

Juragan dadi umpan.
Majikan menjadi umpan.
The employers will become bait.

Sing suwarane seru oleh pengaruh.
Yang bersuara tinggi mendapat pengaruh.
Those who speak out will be more influential.

Wong pinter diingar-ingar.
Si pandai direcoki.
The wise ones will be ridiculed.

Wong ala diuja.
Si jahat dimanjakan.
The evil ones will be spoiled.

Wong ngerti mangan ati.
Orang yang mengerti makan hati.
The knowledgeable ones will be in much distress.

Bandha dadi memala.
Hartabenda menjadi penyakit
The material comfort will incite crime.

Pangkat dadi pemikat.
Pangkat menjadi pemukau.
Rank and position will become enticing.

Sing sawenang-wenang rumangsa menang.
Yang sewenang-wenang merasa menang
Those who act arbitrarily will feel as if they are the winners.

Sing ngalah rumangsa kabeh salah.
Yang mengalah merasa serba salah.
Those who act wisely will feel as if everything is wrong.

Ana Bupati saka wong sing asor imane.
Ada raja berasal orang beriman rendah.
There will be leaders who are weak in their faith.

Patihe kepala judhi.
Maha menterinya benggol judi
The chief minister is no one but a leader of the gamblers.

Wong sing atine suci dibenci.
Yang berhati suci dibenci
Those who have a holy heart will be rejected.

Wong sing jahat lan pinter jilat saya derajat.
Yang jahat dan pandai menjilat makin kuasa.
Those who are evil, and know how to flatter their boss, will be promoted.

Pemerasan saya ndadra.
Pemerasan merajalela.
Human exploitation will be worse.

Maling lungguh wetenge mblenduk.
Pencuri duduk berperut gendut.
The corpulent thieves will be able to sit back and relax.

Pitik angrem saduwure pikulan.
Ayam mengeram di atas pikulan.
The hen will hacth eggs in a carrying pole.

Maling wani nantang sing duwe omah.
Pencuri menantang si empunya rumah.
Thieves will not be afraid to challenge the target.

Begal pada ndhugal.
Penyamun semakin kurang ajar.
Robbers will dissent into greater evil.

Rampok padha keplok-keplok.
Perampok semua bersorak-sorai.
Looters will be given applause.

Wong momong mitenah sing diemong.
Si pengasuh memfitnah yang diasuh
People will slander their caregivers.

Wong jaga nyolong sing dijaga.
Si penjaga mencuri yang dijaga.
Guards will steel the very things they are to protect.

Wong njamin njaluk dijamin.
Si penjamin minta dijamin.
Guarantors will ask for collateral.

Akeh wong mendem donga.
Banyak orang mabuk doa.
Many will ask for blessings.

Kana-kene rebutan unggul.
Di mana-mana berebut menang.
Everybody will compete for personal victory.

Angkara murka ngombro-ombro.
Angkara murka menjadi-jadi.
Ruthlessness will be everywhere.

Agama ditantang.
Agama ditantang.
Religions will be questioned.

Akeh wong angkara murka.
Banyak orang angkara murka.
Many people will be greedy for power, wealth and position.

Nggedhekake duraka.
Membesar-besarkan durhaka.
Rebelliousness will increase.

Ukum agama dilanggar.
Hukum agama dilanggar.
Religious law will be broken.

Prikamanungsan di-iles-iles.
Perikemanusiaan diinjak-injak.
Human rights will be violated.

Kasusilan ditinggal.
Tata susila diabaikan
Ethics will left behind.

Akeh wong edan, jahat lan kelangan akal budi.
Banyak orang gila, jahat dan hilang akal budi.
Many will be insane, cruel and immoral.

Wong cilik akeh sing kepencil.
Rakyat kecil banyak tersingkir.
Ordinary people will be segregated.

Amarga dadi korbane si jahat sing jajil.
Karena menjadi kurban si jahat si laknat.
They will become the victims of evil and cruel persons.

Banjur ana Ratu duwe pengaruh lan duwe prajurit.
Lalu datang Raja berpengaruh dan berprajurit.
Then there will come a ruler who is influential.

Lan duwe prajurit.
Dan punya prajurit.
And having armies.

Negarane ambane saprawolon.
Lebar negeri seperdelapan dunia.
The country will measured one-eighth of the world.

Tukang mangan suap saya ndadra.
Pemakan suap semakin merajalela.
The number of people who commit bribery will increase.

Wong jahat ditampa.
Orang jahat diterima.
The evil ones will be accepted.

Wong suci dibenci.
Orang suci dibenci.
The innocent ones will be rejected.

Timah dianggep perak.
Timah dianggap perak.
Tin will be thought to be silver.

Emas diarani tembaga.
Emas dibilang tembaga
Gold will be thought to be copper.

Dandang dikandakake kuntul.
Gagak disebut bangau.
A crow will be thought to be an heron.

Wong dosa sentosa.
Orang berdosa sentausa.
The sinful ones will be safe and live in tranquility.

Wong cilik disalahake.
Rakyat jelata dipersalahkan.
The poor will be blamed.

Wong nganggur kesungkur.
Si penganggur tersungkur.
The unemployed will be rooted up.

Wong sregep krungkep.
Si tekun terjerembab.
The diligent ones will be forced down.

Wong nyengit kesengit.
Orang busuk hati dibenci.
The people will seek revenge against the fiercely violent ones.

Buruh mangluh.
Buruh menangis.
Workers will suffer from overwork.

Wong sugih krasa wedi.
Orang kaya ketakutan.
The rich will feel unsafe.

Wong wedi dadi priyayi.
Orang takut jadi priyayi.
People who belong to the upper class will feel insecure.

Senenge wong jahat.
Berbahagialah si jahat.
Happiness will belong to the evil persons.

Susahe wong cilik.
Bersusahlah rakyat kecil.
Trouble will belong to the poor.

Akeh wong dakwa dinakwa.
Banyak orang saling tuduh.
Many will sue each other.

Tindake manungsa saya kuciwa.
Ulah manusia semakin tercela.
Human behaviour will fall short of moral enlightenment.

Ratu karo Ratu pada rembugan negara endi sing dipilih lan disenengi.
Para raja berunding negeri mana yang dipilih dan disukai.
Leaders will discuss and choose which countries are their favourites and which ones are not.

Hore! Hore!
Hore! Hore!

Wong Jawa kari separo.
Orang Jawa tinggal separo.
The Javanese will remain half.

Landa-Cina kari sejodho.
Belanda-Cina tinggal sepasang.
The Dutch and the Chinese each will remain a pair.

Akeh wong ijir, akeh wong cethil.
Banyak orang kikir, banyak orang bakhil.
Many become stingy.

Sing eman ora keduman.
Si hemat tidak mendapat bagian.
The cautious ones will not get their portion.

Sing keduman ora eman.
Yang mendapat bagian tidak berhemat.
The ones who receive their portion will be prodigal.

Akeh wong mbambung.
Banyak orang berulah dungu.
Stupidity will be everywhere.

Akeh wong limbung.
Banyak orang limbung.
Bewildered persons will be everywhere.

Selot-selote mbesuk wolak-waliking jaman teka.
Lambat-laun datanglah kelak terbaliknya jaman.
One day, yet slowly, the age of turbulence will come.

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia

Kelak jika sudah ada kereta tanpa kuda.
Tanah Jawa berkalung besi.
Perahu berlayar di ruang angkasa.
Sungai kehilangan lubuk.

Pasar kehilangan suara.
Itulah pertanda jaman Jayabaya telah mendekat.
Bumi semakin lama semakin mengerut.
Sejengkal tanah dikenai pajak.

Kuda suka makan sambal.
Orang perempuan berpakaian lelaki.
Itu pertanda orang akan mengalami jaman berbolak-balik.
Banyak janji tidak ditepati.

Banyak orang berani melanggar sumpah sendiri.
Orang-orang saling lempar kesalahan.
Tak peduli akan hukum Allah.
Yang jahat dijunjung-junjung.

Yang suci (justru) dibenci.
Banyak orang hanya mementingkan uang.
Lupa jati kemanusiaan.
Lupa hikmah kebaikan.

Lupa sanak lupa saudara.
Banyak ayah lupa anak.
Banyak anak berani melawan ibu.
Menantang ayah.

Saudara dan saudara saling khianat.
Keluarga saling curiga.
Kawan menjadi lawan.
Banyak orang lupa asal-usul.

Hukuman Raja tidak adil
Banyak pembesar jahat dan ganjil
Banyak ulah-tabiat ganjil
Orang yang baik justru tersisih.

Banyak orang kerja halal justru malu.
Lebih mengutamakan menipu.
Malas menunaikan kerja.
Inginnya hidup mewah.

Melepas nafsu angkara murka, memupuk durhaka.
Si benar termangu-mangu.
Si salah gembira ria.
Si baik ditolak ditampik.

Si jahat naik pangkat.
Yang mulia dilecehkan
Yang jahat dipuji-puji.
Perempuan hilang malu.

Laki-laki hilang perwira
Banyak laki-laki tak mau beristri.
Banyak perempuan ingkar pada suami.
Banyak ibu menjual anak.

Banyak perempuan menjual diri.
Banyak orang tukar pasangan.
Perempuan menunggang kuda.
Laki-laki naik tandu.

Dua janda harga seuang (Red.: seuang = 8,5 sen).
Lima perawan lima picis.
Duda pincang laku sembilan uang.
Banyak orang berdagang ilmu.

Banyak orang mengaku diri.
Di luar putih di dalam jingga.
Mengaku suci, tapi palsu belaka.
Banyak tipu banyak muslihat.

Banyak hujan salah musim.
Banyak perawan tua.
Banyak janda melahirkan bayi.
Banyak anak lahir mencari bapanya.

Agama banyak ditentang.
Perikemanusiaan semakin hilang.
Rumah suci dijauhi.
Rumah maksiat makin dipuja.

Di mana-mana perempuan lacur
Banyak kutuk
Banyak pengkhianat.
Anak makan bapak.

Saudara makan saudara.
Kawan menjadi lawan.
Guru dimusuhi.
Tetangga saling curiga.

Angkara murka semakin menjadi-jadi.
Barangsiapa tahu terkena beban.
Sedang yang tak tahu disalahkan.
Kelak jika terjadi perang.

Datang dari timur, barat, selatan, dan utara.
Banyak orang baik makin sengsara.
Sedang yang jahat makin bahagia.
Ketika itu burung gagak dibilang bangau.

Orang salah dipandang benar.
Pengkhianat nikmat.
Durjana semakin sempurna.
Orang jahat naik pangkat.

Orang yang lugu dibelenggu.
Orang yang mulia dipenjara.
Yang curang berkuasa.
Yang jujur sengsara.

Pedagang banyak yang tenggelam.
Penjudi banyak merajalela.
Banyak barang haram.
Banyak anak haram.

Perempuan melamar laki-laki.
Laki-laki memperhina derajat sendiri.
Banyak barang terbuang-buang.
Banyak orang lapar dan telanjang.

Pembeli membujuk penjual.
Si penjual bermain siasat.
Mencari rizki ibarat gabah ditampi.
Siapa tangkas lepas.

Siapa terlanjur menggerutu.
Si besar tersasar.
Si kecil terpeleset.
Si congkak terbentur.

Si takut mati.
Si nekat mendapat berkat.
Si hati kecil tertindih
Yang ngawur makmur

Yang berhati-hati merintih.
Yang main gila menerima bagian.
Yang sehat pikiran berpikir.
Si tani diikat.

Si bohong menyanyi-nyanyi
Raja ingkar janji, hilang wibawanya.
Pegawai tinggi menjadi rakyat.
Rakyat kecil jadi priyayi.

Yang curang jadi besar.
Yang jujur celaka.
Banyak rumah di punggung kuda.
Orang makan sesamanya.

Anak lupa bapa.
Orang tua lupa ketuaan mereka.
Jualan pedagang semakin laris.
Namun harta mereka makin habis.

Banyak orang mati lapar di samping makanan.
Banyak orang berharta tapi hidup sengsara.
Yang gila bisa bersolek.

Si bengkok membangun mahligai.
Yang waras dan adil hidup merana dan tersisih.
Terjadi perang di dalam.
Terjadi karena para pembesar banyak salah faham.

Kejahatan makin merajalela.
Penjahat makin banyak.
Yang baik makin sengsara.
Banyak orang mati karena perang.

Karena bingung dan kebakaran.
Si benar makin tertegun.
Si salah makin sorak sorai.
Banyak harta hilang entah ke mana.
Banyak pangkat dan derajat lenyap entah mengapa.

Banyak barang haram, banyak anak haram.
Beruntunglah si lupa, beruntunglah si sadar.
Tapi betapapun beruntung si lupa.
Masih lebih beruntung si waspada.

Angkara murka semakin menjadi.
Di sana-sini makin bingung.
Pedagang banyak rintangan.
Banyak buruh melawan majikan.

Majikan menjadi umpan.
Yang bersuara tinggi mendapat pengaruh.
Si pandai direcoki.
Si jahat dimanjakan.

Orang yang mengerti makan hati.
Hartabenda menjadi penyakit
Pangkat menjadi pemukau.
Yang sewenang-wenang merasa menang

Yang mengalah merasa serba salah.
Ada raja berasal orang beriman rendah.
Maha menterinya benggol judi
Yang berhati suci dibenci

Yang jahat dan pandai menjilat makin kuasa.
Pemerasan merajalela.
Pencuri duduk berperut gendut.
Ayam mengeram di atas pikulan.

Pencuri menantang si empunya rumah.
Penyamun semakin kurang ajar.
Perampok semua bersorak-sorai.
Si pengasuh memfitnah yang diasuh

Si penjaga mencuri yang dijaga.
Si penjamin minta dijamin.
Banyak orang mabuk doa.
Di mana-mana berebut menang.

Angkara murka menjadi-jadi.
Agama ditantang.
Banyak orang angkara murka.
Membesar-besarkan durhaka.

Hukum agama dilanggar.
Perikemanusiaan diinjak-injak.
Tata susila diabaikan
Banyak orang gila, jahat dan hilang akal budi.

Rakyat kecil banyak tersingkir.
Karena menjadi kurban si jahat si laknat.
Lalu datang Raja berpengaruh dan berprajurit.
Dan punya prajurit.

Lebar negeri seperdelapan dunia.
Pemakan suap semakin merajalela.
Orang jahat diterima.
Orang suci dibenci.

Timah dianggap perak.
Emas dibilang tembaga
Gagak disebut bangau.
Orang berdosa sentausa.

Rakyat jelata dipersalahkan.
Si penganggur tersungkur.
Si tekun terjerembab.
Orang busuk hati dibenci.

Buruh menangis.
Orang kaya ketakutan.
Orang takut jadi priyayi.
Berbahagialah si jahat.

Bersusahlah rakyat kecil.
Banyak orang saling tuduh.
Ulah manusia semakin tercela.
Para raja berunding negeri mana yang dipilih dan disukai.

Hore! Hore!
Orang Jawa tinggal separo.
Belanda-Cina tinggal sepasang.
Banyak orang kikir, banyak orang bakhil.

Si hemat tidak mendapat bagian.
Yang mendapat bagian tidak berhemat.
Banyak orang berulah dungu.
Banyak orang limbung.

Lambat-laun datanglah kelak terbaliknya jaman.

English Version
One day there will be a cart without a horse.
The island of Java will wear a necklace of iron.
There will be a boat flying in the sky.
The river will loose its current.

There will be markets without crowds.
These are the signs that the Jayabaya era is coming.
The earth will shrink.
Every inch of land will be taxed.

Horses will devour chili sauce.
Women will dress in men’s clothes.
These are signs that the people is facing the era of turning upside down.
Many promises unkept.

Many break their oath.
People will tend to blame on each other.
They will ignore God’s law.
Evil things will be lifted up.

Holy things will be despised.
Many people will become fixated on money.
Ignoring humanity.
Forgetting kindness.

Abandoning their families.
Fathers will abandon their children.
Children will be disrespectful to their mothers.
And battle against their fathers.

Siblings will collide violently.
Family members will be suspicious of each other.
Friends become enemies.
People will forget their roots.

The ruler’s judgements will be unjust.
There will be many peculiar and evil leaders.
Many will behave strangely.
Good people will be isolated.

Many people will be too embarrassed to do the right things.
Choosing falsehood instead.
Many will be lazy to work.
Seduced by luxury.

They will take the easy path of crime and deceit.
The honest will be confused.
The dishonest will be joyful.
The good will be rejected.

The evil ones will rise to the top.
Noble people will be abused.
Evil doers will be worshipped.
Women will become shameless.

Men will loose their courage.
Men will choose not to get married.
Women will be unfaithful to their husbands.
Mothers will sell their babies.

Women will engage in prostitution.
Couples will trade partners.
Women will ride horses.
Men will be carried in a stretcher.

Two divorcees will be valued at 8,5 cents.
A virgin will be valued at 10 cents.
A crippled widower will be valued at nine uang’s
Many will earn their living by trading their knowledge.

Many will claims other’s merits as their own.
White outwardly but orange inwardly
They will proclaim their righteousness despite their sinful ways.
Many will use sly and dirty tricks.

Rains will fall in the wrong season.
Many women will remain virgins into their old age.
Many divorcees will give birth.
Newborns will search for their fathers.

Religions will be attacked.
Humanitarianism will no longer have importance.
Holy temples will be hated.
They will be more fond of praising evil places.

Prostitution will be everywhere.
There will be many worthy of damnation.
There will be many betrayals.
Children will be against father.

Siblings will be against siblings.
Friends will become enemies.
Guru is treated as an enemy.
Neighbours will become suspicious of each other.

And ruthlessness will be everywhere.
The eyewitness has to take the responsibility.
The eyewitness has to take the responsibility.
The ones who know nothing will be prosecuted.

One day when there will armagedon.
In the east, in the west, in the south, and in the north.
Good people will suffer more.
Bad people will be happier.

When this happens, crow will be said heron.
The wrong person will be assumed to be honest.
Betrayers will live in the utmost of material comfort.
The deceitful will decline even further.

The evil persons will rise to the top.
The modest will be trapped.
The noble will be imprisoned.
The fraudulent will be ferocious.

The honest will unlucky.
Many merchants will fly in a mess.
Gamblers will become more addicted to gambling.
Illegal things will be everywhere.

Many babies will be born outside of legal marriage.
Women will propose marriage.
Men will lower their own status.
The merchandise will be left unsold.

Many people will suffer from starve and stark-naked.
Buyers will flatter the sellers.
Sellers will play tricks and muscles.
The way people earn a living will be as paddies being sifted.

Some will go wild out of control.
Those who are too far groaning.
The ones on the top will get lost.
The ordinary people will slip.

The arrogant ones will be collided.
The fearful ones will not survive.
The risk takers will be successful.
The ones who are afraid will be crushed.

The careless ones will be wealthy.
The careful ones will whine about their suffering.
The crazy ones will get their portion.
The ones who are healthy will think wisely.

The farmers will be controlled.
Those who are corrupt will sing happily.
The rulers do not keep their promises, will lose their power.
The leaders will become ordinary persons.

The ordinary people will become leaders.
The dishonest persons will rise to the top.
The honest ones will be unlucky.
There will be many houses on horses’ back.

People will attack other people.
Children will ignore their fathers.
The olds forget their oldness.
Merchants will sell out of their merchandise.

Yet, they will lose money.
Many people will die from starvation in prosperous times.
Many people will have lots of money yet, be unhappy in their live.
The crazy one will be beautifully attired.

The insane will be able to build a lavish estate.
The ones who are fair and sane will suffer in their lives and will be isolated.
There will be internal wars.
As a result of misunderstandings between those at the top.

The numbers of evil doers will increase sharply.
There will be more criminals.
The good people will live in misery.
There will be many people die in a war.

Others will be disoriented, and their property burnt.
The honest will be confused.
The dishonest will be joyful.
There will be disappearance of great riches, titles, and jobs.

There will be many illegal goods.
Good luck for the ignoramus, good luck for anyone who is aware.
Yet, no matter how lucky is the ignoramus.
It is more lucky for anyone who is alert.

Ruthlessness will become worse.
Everywhere the situation will be chaotic.
Doing business will be more difficult.
Workers will challenge their employers.

The employers will become bait.
Those who speak out will be more influential.
The wise ones will be ridiculed.
The evil ones will be spoiled.

The knowledgeable ones will be in much distress.
The material comfort will incite crime.
Rank and position will become enticing.
Those who act arbitrarily will feel as if they are the winners.

Those who act wisely will feel as if everything is wrong.
There will be leaders who are weak in their faith.
The chief minister is no one but a leader of the gamblers.
Those who have a holy heart will be rejected.

Those who are evil, and know how to flatter their boss, will be promoted.
Human exploitation will be worse.
The corpulent thieves will be able to sit back and relax.
The hen will hacth eggs in a carrying pole.

Thieves will not be afraid to challenge the target.
Robbers will dissent into greater evil.
Looters will be given applause.
People will slander their caregivers.

Guards will steel the very things they are to protect.
Guarantors will ask for collateral.
Many will ask for blessings.
Everybody will compete for personal victory.

Ruthlessness will be everywhere.
Religions will be questioned.
Many people will be greedy for power, wealth and position.
Rebelliousness will increase.

Religious law will be broken.
Human rights will be violated.
Ethics will left behind.
Many will be insane, cruel and immoral.

Ordinary people will be segregated.
They will become the victims of evil and cruel persons.
Then there will come a ruler who is influential.
And having armies.

The country will measured one-eighth of the world.
The number of people who commit bribery will increase.
The evil ones will be accepted.
The innocent ones will be rejected.

Tin will be thought to be silver.
Gold will be thought to be copper.
A crow will be thought to be an heron.
The sinful ones will be safe and live in tranquility.

The poor will be blamed.
The unemployed will be rooted up.
The diligent ones will be forced down.
The people will seek revenge against the fiercely violent ones.

Workers will suffer from overwork.
The rich will feel unsafe.
People who belong to the upper class will feel insecure.
Happiness will belong to the evil persons.

Trouble will belong to the poor.
Many will sue each other.
Human behaviour will fall short of moral enlightenment.
Leaders will discuss and choose which countries are their favourites and which ones are not.

The Javanese will remain half.
The Dutch and the Chinese each will remain a pair.
Many become stingy.

The cautious ones will not get their portion.
The ones who receive their portion will be prodigal.
Stupidity will be everywhere.
Bewildered persons will be everywhere.

One day, yet slowly, the age of turbulence will come.


Quatrains of Nostradamus – Interpretations

The year 1999 seven month,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois, (the Mongols),
Before after Mars to reign by good luck
(Century X, Quatrain 72)

By John Hogue
Nostradamus’ most famous doomsday prediction warns future generations of a King of Terror descending from the skies in July 1999. This holy terror could be linked to the Third Antichrist who may be the fearsome Mabus of C2 Q62 or the North African Terrorist from C2 Q30 who is from the land of the infernal Hannibal’s God. “Baal” was also called “Hammon,” a name that can mean “Lord of the Sky.”

Many interpreters have tried to understand the prophetic significance of Nostradamus bringing back to life the Roi ‘Angolmois (the great King of the Mongols) by the last July of this millennium. Genghis Khan united the Mongolians of the Central Asian steppes into an all-conquering army that forged the largest land empire in history. The vast Islamic western wing of his empire included modern-day Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union.

Genghis Khan was one of history’s greatest kings of terror. Tens of millions died in the bloody conquests initiated by the warlord and his successors, and his record of devastation and genocide is appalling. According to the prophet, Genghis Khan and his empire are now returning: the warlord has been brought back to life. In 1990 in a major propaganda campaign, the leaders of the People’s Republic of China restored Genghis Khan to his “rightful” place in Chinese history.

The final line makes a cryptic reference to Mars. A consideration of the occult meaning of this planet which, in conventional wisdom, represents the God of war and mayhem, opens up the possibility of a positive outcome in the future. The phrase “before and after Mars rules happily” can be interpreted to mean that the higher aspect of Mars, as the God of magic and spiritual transformation, “rules happily” in the new millennium.

By Eric Cheetham
In this gloomy prediction of the coming of the Third Antichrist in July 1999, Nostradamus seems to foresee the coming of the Millennium. He was greatly influenced towards this opinion by contemporary thought. This quatrain indicates that it will be preceded by the coming of the Third Antichrist from the East, “the king of the Mongols,” before the Final Coming of the Great King of Terror. It is interesting to note that Nostradamus foresees war both before and after his coming. He, therefore, does not envisage an instant End of the World.

At forty-five degrees, the sky will burn,
Fire approaches the great new city,
Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up
When they want to have verification from the Norman
(Century VI, Quatrain 97)

In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York.

The king will want to enter the new city,
Through its enemies they will come to subdue it
Captives liberated to speak and act falsely,
King to be outside, he will keep far from the enemy.
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains,
It will be seized and plunged into the Vat,
Drinking by force the waters poisoned by sulfur.
(Century X , Quatrain 49)

By fire he will destroy their city,
A cold and cruel heart,
Blood will pour,
Mercy to none.

Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth.
will cause the towers around the New City to shake,
Two great rocks for a long time will make war,
And then Arethusa will color a new river red.
(Century 1, Quatrain 87)


Notes on the Quatrains
Century 10, Q 72
L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d’effrayeur:
le grand Roy d’Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

In the year 1999 and seven months
The Great King of Terror will come from the sky,
He will bring back to life the great king of the Mongols (Ghengis Khan?)
Before and after the God of war reigns happily.

Century V. 70

The Eastern kings shall carry out the Divine Justice.
Turkey shall be devastated.

Les regions suvjettes a la Balance
Feront trembler les monts par grande guerre
Captif tout sexe deu et toute Bizance
Qu’on criera a l’aube terre a terre

Suvjettes: subjected; Balance: (fig.) Divine Justice, the army of Divine Justice or Muslims; Bizance: Turkey; on: one; aube: dawn.

The regions subjected to Muslim armies
Shall cause mountains trembling with great war
Prisoners of both sexes and throughout Turkey
One shall cry at dawn from land to land

COMMENT: The Eastern kings shall carry out the Divine Chastisements to punish the Great Harlot or Western countries at an appointed time (The Book of Revelation). The brutality of Muslims on both men and women.

V.25 The full-scaled invasion from the sea.
Le prince Arabe, Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon
Regne d’Eglise par mer succombera
Devers la Perse bien pres d’un million
Bisance, Egypte, ver. serp. invadera

NOTE: Succombera (succomber): to succumb, to be defeated; devers: toward; Perse: Persia or ancient Iran; bien pres de: very close to; ver. serp.: versus serpens (latin) means the returning serpent, the Devil One.

Muslims, wars, the Day of the Lord, the Harlot, the Lioness Beast
The reign of the Church from the sea shall be succumbed
Toward Iran one shall see nearly one million troops
Turkey, Egypt, evils shall invade

COMMENT: The invasion shall occur on Mediterranean shores.

II.4 Muslims shall brutalize the Italian coast.
Depuis Monach jusqu’au pres de Sicile
Toute la plague demourra desolee
Il n’y aura faux-bourgs, cite, ne ville
Que par Barbares, pille soit et volee

NOTE: Depuis: from; Monach: Monaco; jusqu’au pres: as far as; plague: beach, shore; demourra: demolished; desolee: desolated; il: there; il n’y aura: there shall not be..; faux-bourg: false market town or suburb; ville: village; barbare: barbarian or Muslims; pille (piller): to loot, to ransake; vole (voler): undone.

From Monaco as far as Sicily
All the coast demolished and desolate
There shall not be any more suburb, city, nor village
That the Muslim invaders shall leave undone

COMMENT: The Muslims shall attack and destroy the Italian coasts and Rome in the most brutal fashion.

V.26 Russian troop shall advance over high mountains.
La gent esclave par un heur martiel
Viendra en haut degre tant esleve
Changeront prince, naistra un provincial
Passer la mer, copie aux monts leve

NOTE: Gent: (latin = gens) race, population; esclave: ancient Russian; heur: good fortune; martiel: martial, military; haut: high; degre: degree; tant: so, so much; escleve: elevated; changeront (changer): to chage; naistra (naistre): to be born; mer: sea; copie: (latin = copia) army, troop; levee: raised, high; mont: mountain.

The Russians through an military good fortune
Shall be elevated to a high degree
Shall change their prince, one born in a province
Shall pass sea, troop shall climb over high mountains

COMMENT: Russia’s leadership shall belong to an outsider who shall appeal to the common population. Russian troops shall attack Western Europe or more specifically Italy via two routes: from the south near the Black Sea and from the north by crossing the Alps. IV.82 Through Russian hands, the old Destroyer shall destroy Romanie.

Amas s’approche venant d’Esclavonie
L’Olestant vieux cite ruinera
Fort desolee vera sa Romainie
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura

NOTE: Amas: mass, accumulation; venant: coming; Esclavonie: Russia; Olestant: (Greek) destroyer, Abbadon mentioned in the Book of Revelation; vieux: old; ruiner: to ruin; cite: city, Vatican City; fort: hard, violently; desolee: desolate; puis: then, afterwards; estaindre (eteindre): to quench; saura (savoir): to know how, to manage.

The mass shall approach coming from Russia
The ancient Destroyer shall ruin the city
Violently desolated Romanie shall see
Afterwards the great flame of war shall not be quenched

COMMENT: Russia shall start the WW III in Europe by invading its Western neighboring countries who shall recently join NATO. The war shall spread and cannot be contained.

X.32 Russian navy shall dominate only for two short years.
Le grand Empire chacun en devoit etre
Un sur les autres le viendra obtenir
Mais peu de temps sera son regne et etre
Deux ans aux naves se pourra soustenir

NOTE: Chacun: each, each one; devoit (devoir): to owe, have to, to be bound to; autre: other; obtenir: to gain, to secure; mais: but; peu: little, little time; etre: existence; naves: (latin = navis) vessel, boat; pourra (pourrir): to get rotten, decay; soustenir: to maintain, sustain.

In the great Empire with everyone’s existence hung in desperation
One over the others shall secure it
But little time shall last for his reign and existence
Two years the navy shall be rotten due to poor maintenance

COMMENT: Russia shall be in the state of desperation nationwide. Each person shall have to survive on his own without relying on his government (Verse 2). Russia’s power and her very existence shall be threatened due to the European offences and later by the bloody hands of the neighboring China. Their navy shall dominate the war for the first two years then shall collapse due to the lack of spare parts and resources.

VI. Both northern and southern Europe shall be attacked.

Norvege et Dace et l’isle Britannique
Par les unis freres seront vexees
Le chef Romain issu du sang Gallique
Et les copis aux forest repoulsees

NOTE: Norvege: Norway; Dace: Denmark; freres: brothers; Gallique: French; copie: troops; repoulsee: repulsed.

Norway and Denmark and British island
Through the united brothers shall be vexed
The Roman ( Italian) chief issued from French blood
And his troops shall be repulsed into the forests

COMMENT: The northern front of Europe including Norway, Denmark and Britain shall be attacked by Russia naval forces. In the south, Italy and Muslims shall push north starting on French soil.

I.73 French fleet shall be surrounded…

France a cinq parts par neglect assaillie
Tunis, Argiel esmeuz par Persiens
Leon, Seville, Barcelone faillie
N’aura la classe par les venitiens

NOTE: Cinq: five, assaillie (assaillir): to attack; Tunis: Tunisia; Argiel: Algeria; esmeuz (emouvoir): to move, stir up; faillir: to fail, to fall short of; classe: fleet, Venitien (Venise): Italian.

By negligence French fleet shall be attacked by five parties
Tunisia and Algeria stirred up by Iran
Leon, Seville, Barcelonia shall fall (into Muslim hands)
Italian fleet shall not fare any better

COMMENT: At the onset of WW III or European war, Spain and Italy shall quickly fall into Muslim hands and later become Eastern allies ( We have to remember that the Muslim populations in those two countries are quite large, probably majority by now in Spain.) Tunisia and Algeria shall side with Iran. French fleet shall be sunk in Adriatic Sea leaving Marseilles naked.

II.86 French fleet shall wrecked in Adriatic Sea.
Naufrage a classe pres d’onde Hadriatique
La terre emeu sur l’air en terre mis
Egypte tremble augment Mahometique
L’Heraut se rendre a crier est comis

NOTE: Naufrage: shipwreck; classe: fleet; pres:near; onde: sea; Hadriatique: Adriatic; emeu (emu): moved; augment: faction; Heraut: public officer; rendre: to render; crier: to cry; commis (commettre): to commit a wrong, endanger oneself .

Shipwreck of a fleet near Adriatic Sea
The earth quakes, moved with the air above
Egypt trembles due to Muslim extremist faction
A public officer renders a loud cry before committing suicide

COMMENT: French fleet shall be wrecked in Adriatic Sea by a surprised attack by Muslims. The Muslim extremists loyal to Iran shall dominate all Muslim governments around the region.

III.88 Barcelonia and Marseilles shall fall.
De Barcelone par mer si grande armee
Tout Marseilles de frayeur tremblera
Isles saisies de mer aide fermee
Ton traditeur en terre nagera

NOTE: Frayeur: fear; saisie (saisir): to seize; aide: aid, reinforcement; fermee (fermer): to lock up, shut up; traditeur: traditor; nager: to swim.

A great army from Barcelonia by sea shall attack
All Marseilles shall tremble with fear
Islands shall be seized, reinforcement from the sea halted
Traditors shall swim in land

COMMENT: After defeating French navy in Adriatic Sea, the Muslims shall advance to Marseilles through Spain. Marseilles shall be vulnerable due to no protection from French navy.

I.72 Southern France devastated, million suffered.
Du tout Marseilles des habitans changee
Course et pour fuitte jusques pres de Lyon
Narbon, Tholoze, par Bordeaux outragee
Tuez, captifs, presque d’un million

NOTE: Habitan: inhabitant; course: run ,race, journey; fuite: flight, fleeing; pres: near; jusque: till as far as; Narbonne: city of S. France near Mediterranean; Toulouse: city, SW France on Garonne River; Bordeaux: city and port SW France on Garonne river, tuez (tuer): killed, slaughtered; presque: almost.

Throughout Marseilles the inhabitants shall change
French citizens shall flee as far as Lyon
Narbonne and Toulouse shall become outraged by Bordeaux
Killed, captured, almost one million French

COMMENT: The present population in Marseilles is about 900,000, Narbonne 40,000, and Toulouse 400,000. Thus the approximation of one million is amazingly accurate. That also indicates a total defeat under Muslim hands. The military French leader in Bordeaux shall decide to abandon those captured cities into their enemies’s hands to consolidate the remaining French troops in order to save the rest of the country.

IX.69 Chemical warheads upon Lyon & Vienna by Italian force.
Sur le mont de Bailly et la Bresse
Seront cachez de Grenoble les fiers
Outre Lyon, Vien, eulx si grand gresle
Langoult en terre n’en restera un tiers

NOTE: Cachez (cacher): to hide, conceal; fier: fierce, cruel; outre: beyond; eulx (eux): them; gresle (grele): hail, hailstorm; langoult (langoureux): languishing; rester: to remain, last; un tiers: one third.

Upon Mount Bailley and Bresse
Shall be hidden in Genoa fierce weapons
Beyond Lyon and Vienna, great hail upon them
Languished on the ground, less than one third shall survive

COMMENT: From northern Italy, on high mountains, the Muslim and Italian forces shall bombard Lyon and Vienna with missiles carrying the chemical warheads which shall wipe out more than two-thirds of the population. The survivors will wish to die instead.

III.70 Great Britain shall suffer floods and war.
La Grande Bretagne comprise l’Angleterre
Viendra par eaux si fort inondre
La ligue neufue d’Ausonne fera guerre
Que contre eux il se viendront bander

NOTE: Grande Bretagne: Great Britain; Angleterre: England; eaux: water; inonde: flooded; ligue: league; neufue: new; Ausonne: Italy; guerre: war; il: he; se: himself; bander: to bandage, to dress wound.

Great Britain including England
By sea shall suffer great floods
The new league including Italy shall raise war against her
Italy herself shall dress all her wounds

COMMENT: The new league of Ausonne include Muslims (Iran-led), Italy, Russia, and Spain.

II.68 USA rescues England by sea.
De l’aquilon les efforts seront grande
Sur l’ocean sera la porte ouverte
Le regne en l’isle sera reintegrande
Tremblera Londres par voile descouverte

NOTE: Aquilon: (latin) northern country or eagle, here USA;ouvert: open, liberated; regne: reign; l’isle: island, England; reintegrande (reintegrer): to reinstate; Londres: London; voile: sail; descouverte: discovered.

USA shall exert a great effort
Across the Atlantic Ocean to open English shore
The sovereignty of England shall be reinstated
As London is trembling in discovering enemy sails

COMMENT: USA shall rescue England from the siege of Muslim and Italian league.

III.99 Muslims shall be defeated on French soil.
Aux champs herbeux d’Alein et du Varneigne
Du Mont Lebron proche de la Durance
Camp des deux parts conflit sera si aigre
Mesopotamie defaillira en la France

NOTE: Champs: open field, arena; herbeux: grass-grown; aigre: bitter, fierce; defaillira: to faint, collapse, fail; Allein, Varneigne: French towns near River Rhone; Lebron: region around Alps Mountains. Mesopotamie: ancient region which is now Iran and Iraq.

In the grassy fields of Alein and Varneigne
Upon Mount Lebron near Durance
Conflict between two sides shall be very fierce
Mesopotamie shall fall on French soil

V.68 Muslims shall advance as far north as Germany, then shall be defeated by French troops.
Dans le Danube et du Rhin viendra boire
Le grand Chameau, ne s’en repentira
Trembler du Rhone et plus fort ceux de Loire
Et pres des Alpes Coq les ruinera

NOTE: Boire: to drink; Chameau: camel, here means Muslims; repentir: to repent; fort: strong, violent; coq: cock, used by Nostradamus to indicate France; les: them; Rhone & Loire: two rivers in southern France; Danube & Rhine: two rivers in Germany.

By River Danube and Rhine shall come to drink
The great Camel which shall not repent
Trembling is River Rhone and most violent for those near River Loire
And near Alps the Cock shall ruin them

COMMENT: Muslims shall advance as far north as Germany, shall terrorize the area between two Rivers Rhone and V.42 World War III at its climax.

Mars esleve en son plus haut beffroy
Fera retraire les Allobrox de France
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy
A ceux de l’aigle compris sous la Balance

NOTE: Esleve: elevated; plus haut: the highest; beffroi: watch tower, bell tower; retraire (retrait): retreat, withdrawal; Allobrox: Italians (inhabitants of Savoy); effroi: terror, horror; aigle: eagle, hawk; Balance: balance, here means Divine Justice or Chastisement.

War shall be elevated to its highest
Italians shall retreat from France
Inhabitants in Lombardy shall be terrified
Of those hawkish (brutal) troops who carry out the Divine Justice

III. 31 Final battle in Middle East.
Aux champs de Mede, d’Arabe et d’Armenie
Deux grands copies trois fois s’assembleront
Pres du rivage d’Araxes la mesnie
Du grand Soliman en terre tomberont

NOTE: Champs: field; copie: army; trois: three; fois: time; rivage: shore; mesnie (messie): the chosen people, the anointed ones, Messie: Messiah; Soliman: Soloman; la messie du grand Soliman: Israelites; tomber: to tumble, fall.

In the fields of Media, Arabe, and Armenia
Two great armies shall assemble three times
Near the Arabic shore or Persian Gulf
The Israelites on land shall tumble

COMMENT: Western armies shall pursue the Muslim armies all the way to Iranian soil or Middle East. The Jews shall be drawn into the conflict and shall suffer greatly.

V.14 At the end of the European War…

Saturn et Mars en Leo Espagne captive
Par chef Libique au conflit attrape
Proche de Malte, heredde Prince vive
Et Romain scepter sera par coq frappe

NOTE: Saturn: (fig.) the Lord, the Day of the Lord; Mars: (fig.) war; Leo: (fig.) the pope; Espagne: Spain; Libique: Lybian; attrape (attraper): to trap, to catch; proche: near; vive (vivre): to live; vive: long live!; heredde (hereditaire): heralded; frappe (frapper): to strike, tap; coq: cock or France.

Saturn and Mars in Leo, Spain captive
Lybian chief in the battle shall be caught
Near Malta, the heralded Prince (Henry) shall be cheered
And Roman Scepter shall be struck by a Frenchman

COMMENT: The pope shall be killed near the end of the War. Spain shall surrender. Lybian leader shall be captured. King Henry of France shall be heralded in Malta. The newly elected French Pope shall anoint him as the Roman Emperor of the world, the Charlemagne of our modern time.

IX.62 The battle of Armagaddon.
Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par rangs tous attachez
Le Pertinax Oppi et Mandragora
Raugon d’Octobre le tiers seront laschez

NOTE: Cheramonagora: anagram of Armageddon or Harmageddon (Greek), the final battle mentioned in Rev 16:14-16; croisez (croiser): to cross, to join a crusade; rang: row, range, rank; attachez (attacher): to attach, fasten; Pertinax: (latin) unyielding, pertinacious, determined; oppi: (latin = copie) army; Mandragora: man-dragon, the troop of the ancient serpent or dragon, probably Chinese; raugon: dragon; Octobre le tiers: the third of October; laschez (lacher): loosen.

At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
The pertanious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third

COMMENT: Man-dragon might indicate Chinese troops. The battle begins on October third and from Quatrain III.77, Iranian leader shall be captured on October 7th 2025 indicating that this great decisive battle might be between Western allies and Muslim alliance. Also Armageddon might be the battle between Western and Chinese troops as the latter shall decide to engage in war at the end of the conflict while all parties are almost exhausted. And the national symbol of China has always been the Red Dragon.


Death of Henry II

The young lion will overcome the older one,
On the field of combat in a single battle;
He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,
Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.
(Century 1, Quatrain 35)

This quatrain foretelling the death of King Henry II of France in a jousting accident is one of the most famous, predocumented, and successfully fulfilled prophecies in history.

In June 1559, Henry II ignored all warnings that Nostradamus gave him and participated in a jousting tournament against the Comte de Montgomery. Both men used shields embossed with lions. Montgomery was six years younger than Henry. A tournament is a field of ritual single combat.

During the final bout, Montgomery failed to lower his lance in time. It shattered, sending a large splinter through the king’s gilded visor (golden cage). Along with minor punctures in the face and throat, there were two mortal wounds. One splinter destroyed the king’s eye; the other impaled his temple just behind the eye. Both penetrated his brain. Henry lingered for ten agonizing days before dying a cruel death.

The blood of the just will be demanded of London,
Burnt by the fire in the year 66

The Great fire destroyed London in 1666.


From the enslaved people, songs, chants and demands,
The princes and lords are held captive in prisons:
In the future by such headless idiots
These will be taken as divine utterances.
(Century 1, Quatrain 14)
Before the war comes,
the great wall will fall,
The King will be executed, his death coming too soon will be lamented.
(The guards) will swim in blood,
Near the River Seine the soil will be bloodied.
(Century 2, Quatrain 57)

On July 14th, 1789 the walls of the Bastille, the prison which stood as a symbol to the detested monarchy, were stormed. This was a precursor to the revolution that shook France, and to the rise, and fall, of the guillotine, that stood on the banks of the River Seine.

PAU, NAY, LORON will be more of fire than of the blood,
To swim in praise,
the great one to flee to the confluence.
He will refuse entry to the Piuses,
The depraved ones and the Durance will keep them imprisoned.
(Century 8, Quatrain 1)

This quotation is vintage Nostradamus. He is employing one of his favourite devices: the anagram. “PAU, NAY, LORON” when rearranged becomes NAPAULON ROY, or Napoleon the king, given the Corsican spelling of his name, Napauleone. The text also describes him as a man of ‘fire’, or of war, rather ‘than of the blood’, or of royal lineage. The ‘Piuses’ of the third line are the Popes Pius VI and Pius VII, who were both imprisoned by Napoleon as the fourth line suggests.


From the deepest part of Western Europe
A young child will be born to poor people
Who will by his speech seduce a great multitude,
His reputation will increase in the Kingdom of the East”
(Century 3, Quatrain 35)

Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers,
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn,
When the child of Germany observes nothing.
(Century 2, Quatrain 24)

In the year very not far from Venus,
The two greatest ones of Asia and of Africa:
They are said to have come from the Rhine and from
Hister Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian sea-coast.
(Century 4, Quatrain 68)

Liberty will not be regained,
It will be occupied by a black, proud, villainous and unjust man:
When the matter of the Pontiff is opened,
The republic of Venice will be vexed by Hister.
(Century 5, Quatrain 29)

The shocking and infamous armed one will fear the great furnace,
First the chosen one, the captives not returning
The world’s lowest crime, the Angry Female Irale – Israel – not at ease,
Barb, Hister, Malta, and the Empty One does not return.

Hitler is referred to as Hister – not only be name but by birthplace. Hister is the Latin for the river Danube on whose shores Hitler was born. The first quatrain provide general background – his parents were poor – his power as an orator needs no description here – and of course Hitler had a catastrophic influence over Japan, the Kingdom of the East.

The ancient work will be accomplished,
And from the roof evil ruin will fall on the great man:
They will accuse an innocent, being dead, of the deed:
The guilty one is hidden in the misty copse.
(Century 6, Quatrain 37)

The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
The evil deed predicted by the bearer of a petition:
According to the prediction another falls at night,
Conflict in Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany.
(Century 1, Quatrain 27)

As per his prediction – JFK was shot in the day, at 12 noon, and his brother Robert Kennedy was shot at night, at 1 am. The last line dates the assassinations. For there were student riots in London and Paris in 1968, and in 1966 a flood hit Florence that prompted fears of pestilence. JFK was shot in 1963 and his brother in 1968. The alleged conspiracy that surrounded the assassination was the subject of another of Nostradamus’ quatrains.

Lee Harvey Oswald was reputed to have shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Book Depository, is this ‘the roof’ that is mentioned in second line? Or is ‘the roof’ a metaphor for the conspiracy performed by the CIA, previously Kennedy’s protection, his ‘roof’. The third line suggests that Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact innocent, and ‘the misty wood’ of the fourth line may describe either the trees around the grassy knowle, or the misty woods of the secret service.